Our working farm
We're living the farming life here at Muresk as part of Western Australia's agriculture and livestock industry, and can help build your training and research capabilities.
We're living the farming life here at Muresk as part of Western Australia's agriculture and livestock industry, and can help build your training and research capabilities.
As a working agricultural and livestock farm situated on 898 hectares of research and farming land in WA's Avon Valley, Muresk Institute provides access to contemporary learning spaces and the latest innovations in agricultural technology practices.
Located approximately 10 kilometres southwest of Northam, on the eastern fringe of the Darling Range and the western fringe of the central wheatbelt, the farm is in the middle of the zone of rejuvenated drainage and relatively fertile soils of the Avon Valley with the Avon River flowing through the western area of the property.
If you would like to know more about the farm, plan a visit for your school or organisation, or discuss holding your next industry conference, forum or event here at Muresk, or using our facilities to deliver training, please contact us directly.
You can also view and download our farm information flyer.
To demonstrate sustainable agricultural management and dryland farming systems which support training and workforce development.
In addition to providing a unique setting for agriculture industry training, the farm is a key site for hosting cutting edge research and development activities related to livestock feed, behaviour, breeding and disease monitoring as well as projects in agronomy, desalination and soil management in collaboration with industry, university and government.
Of our total 898 hectares of land, 805 hectares (90% ) are grazeable and 506 hectares (56%) are croppable.
There's a wide range of facilities, features and natural landscapes on the property as pictured here.
Terrain ranges from the river flats adjacent to the Avon River, to steep slopes that can be challenging for machinery.
Jam and York Gum are the main types of natural vegetation throughout the farm.
The countryside is dominated by granite outcrops and intersected by dolerite dykes, and comprises four main landscape units:
Of the Muresk farm land, 506 hectares (56%) is croppable. We run regular harvest programs throughout the year. The soil types on the farm are characterised as duplex loams while there is a dolerite dyke (subvolcanic rock) that transects the farm.
The main crops grown are wheat, canola, lupins and oats for grazing. Our farming system is based on a no-till, no-burn method with a strong emphasis on soil health and rotation of crops to help manage disease, pest and chemical resistance. Barley, export oaten hay and field peas have also been grown successfully.
Our average annual rainfall is 437 mm, and in the growing season (May–October) rainfall is 347 mm. The area experiences mild winters and hot summers, with winds predominantly from the east and north-west.
Frosts can occur on average five to six times per year.
The farm breeds high performance genetic index Merinos for wool and meat, joining approximately 650 mature ewes and 200 maiden ewes each year. The ewes are used in a Sire Evaluation Program with the WA Stud Merino Breeders, and are joined to 12 merino rams.
The farm also carries 500 Dohne ewes, 200 of which were donated by the WA Dohne Breeders Association.
Muresk's breeding objective is to produce a fast growing, low care, dual purpose animal. Our herd of 35 Murray Grey Cows are artificially inseminated to Angus bloodlines.
We have 32 paddocks, plus 18 holding paddocks, on the farm. We also have extensive equine facilities.
Our livestock grazes on subterranean clover and serradella, with perennial shrubs planted as part of the biodiversity strategy of the farm and as an additional grazing resource.
We pride ourselves on maintaining the highest standards of animal welfare and biosecurity and follow industry standards to ensure a safe working environment for our staff, students at our campus, and all visitors to Muresk.
We are involved in a range of research activities and projects with our partners, focusing particularly on soil and farm management and livestock including breeding programs.
We love having visitors here at Muresk.
We host a number of schools from across WA for farm visits and career days throughout the year.
Farm visits not only give students a fun experience on the farm, getting hands on with livestock and agricultural technology and machinery, but also highlight the fantastic career opportunities available in WA's agricultural industry.
School visits may be personalised to include specific areas of focus to support the school's curriculum, and student accommodation is available should you wish to do more than a one-day visit.
Muresk is located in WA's Avon Valley — 16 minutes from Northam, one hour from Midland, and 1.5 hours from the Perth CBD.
If you would like to talk to the team at Muresk, you can phone us directly or send your enquiry using our online form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.