Muresk business review
The Muresk Business Review is now complete.
The Muresk Business Review is now complete.
For close to a century, the Muresk Institute has operated as Western Australia’s key skills hub, providing the State’s agricultural and agribusiness industries with training, education and research services.
The agricultural and agribusiness industries are continually changing as both consolidation and innovation across all aspects of the value chain seek the productivity growth necessary to remain competitive in both domestic and global markets. It is imperative that facilities such as Muresk continue to evolve to meet these changing needs.
To support Muresk to deliver the best outcomes for industry, community and the State, the Department of Training and Workforce Development engaged a consultant to undertake a comprehensive review (the Review) of Muresk’s business model.
The aim of the Review was to identify options for a sustainable future for the facility while ensuring its perseveration as an important community asset.
The Review involved significant consultation with the agricultural industry, the tertiary sector, Aboriginal peoples, current and past students and Muresk tenants, and community members through direct engagement and six stakeholder workshops.
The independent Review was finalised at the end of 2024 with options for Muresk’s future direction provided to the State Government for its consideration.
As the State Government considers its response, the Department of Training and Workforce Development will continue to manage the Muresk Institute, with education, training and research activities continuing as normal.
Thank you to all stakeholders who contributed their time and input into the Review.