Date published: 25 November 2022

It has been exciting to see our new shearing shed become operational with the shearing team arriving on 22 August for the inaugural Merino sheep shearing. The new facility replaces our previous 40-year-old shearing shed and offers a fantastic space for shearing, wool classing and roustabout training. 

Equipped with state of the art tools and equipment for shearing, the new facility was funded through an $800,000 investment by the WA State Government as part of its Wheatbelt Recovery Plan and the Rebuilding our TAFEs package.

It is now being used for training in sheep shearing and wool handling, as well as for keeping our own flock of over 1,000 Merino and Dohne sheep looking their best.

The shed has been busy already!

  • On 22 August we invited Shire of Northam President and Muresk alumnus, Cr Chris Antonio, to view the new shearing shed during its inaugural Merino sheep shearing day. 
  • The following day we welcomed students from WA College of Agriculture Harvey who also got to see the new shed in action as part of their guided tour of Muresk Farm.
  • In September we had the crew from Progress Shearing out to shear the rest of our hoggets that weren’t shorn at Dowerin Field Days. The fleece was skirted, pressed, labelled then sent off to market.

Find out more about the new shearing shed here

Photo left to right: Greg McAtamney from Progress Shearing, Muresk Farm Manager Laura Bryant, David Lawrence Southern Brook shearing legend and 2019 Australian Shearers Hall of Famer, and Shire of Northam President Cr Chris Antonio.